User Guide | TimeTec Leave

Overview of TimeTec Leave Setup

Company Setup

Add Users into TimeTec Leave and appoint admins
Setup company's divisions, assign users into the divisions
Leave Setup
Start creating applicable Leave Type for your company, e.g. Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Compassionate Leave and etc.
Create your company's Leave Policy, e.g. 2-5 year service. Define that Policy by adding the applicable Leave Type along with its allowances, restrictions, balance, calendar renewal, accrual interval and etc within each Leave Policy and activate it to proceed.
Assign Users to their respective Leave Policies. For example, if John has worked for 7 years then John will be categorised under Policy 5-10 years, General Leave Policy and Sick Leave Policy. On the other hand, for Sarah who has only been in the workforce for 3 years, she will instead be categorised under Policy 2-5 years, General Leave and Sick Leave Policies.
Use Service Accrual to reward employees with leave allowances automatically based on their assigned employees’ service duration. [Optional]
Apply Leave Restriction to the number of employees taking leave on the same day to avoid any operational disturbances.
Create a Crunch Time period to block employees from taking leave on that day. For example, if the company is having an important product launch or some other important events.
Streamline Data Easily In TimeTec Leave

Import Leave Taken
Import previous leave records of employees in Excel or Text format. Download our samples to get started.
Import Leave Balance
Import employee's current leave balances for each leave type.
Track Your Employees’ Leave

Leave & Holiday Reminder
Set a reminder on your employees’ leave and receive an email notification prior to the date.